Seen & Heard Archives

Knowing the Trinity, the latest book from the Alliance and Ryan McGraw

Knowing the Trinity: Practical Thoughts for Daily Life, by Meet the Puritans contributor Ryan McGraw, is the latest book from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

05/10/2017 - 5:43pm

Luther, and the Creative Power of the Word

The importance of Luther to the Christian faith cannot be overstated. For many today, he is probably a figure who looks larger as a symbol of defiance or a heroic rebel against a corrupt church and decadent theology. There is much truth in such images. His stand at the Diet of Worms was a remarkable act of courageous defiance. And his theology represented nothing less than a self-conscious attempt to overthrow the medieval thought which he had been taught and replace it with a comprehensive understanding of God and the gospel as refracted the incarnate and crucified Christ.

04/20/2017 - 5:26pm

Trinity audio featuring the teaching of Liam Goligher now available

In response to the Trinity debate that occured in 2016, Liam Goligher preached a series of sermons on the Trinity from Hebrews 1. This doctrine is not easy to understand or to preach.  Yet the Trinity is the most foundational of all Christian beliefs, because it speaks of the God we worship as he revealed himself to finite minds.

These sermons are now available on CD and MP3 at thanks to a partnership between the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and Tenth Presbyterian Church. Listening to them several times, one still finds new angles, new insights into the shape of this battle; new understandings of the implications for every aspect of our faith. 

04/04/2017 - 4:43pm

Old Error for a New Generation

Last evening I was made aware of a new podcast called Truth’s Table. The particular episode I was linked to is entitled “Gender Apartheid.” Among the hosts and guests are members of PCA and OPC churches; women and men with leadership responsibilities. The content of the discussion is shocking to anyone who actually believes and upholds the doctrinal standards of the PCA and OPC.

03/30/2017 - 5:42pm

When you shop, Amazon gives

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Alliance every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. Bookmark and visit, designate the Alliance as your charitable organization. It’s that simple!

On Thursday, March 16, Amazon will donate 5% (10 times the usual donation rate!) of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Get started at

03/15/2017 - 4:43pm